Identity Theft Prevention and Assistance

It is a disturbing fact of modern life, but cases of identity theft and credit fraud are increasing. The rate of growth is alarming, and there doesn’t seem to be much chance of a decrease in the near future According to new data 27 million Americans were victims of ID theft in the past 5 years. Every 79 seconds a thief steels someone’s identity. Correcting this invasion of privacy is time-consuming and on average, according to industry research, a person spends about 200 hours restoring his or her good name. Group legal plans ought to have a number of legal benefit options, and identity theft prevention system should be included. At Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services, we offer Identity Theft Prevention and Assistance as an added benefit of our Personal Legal Protector Plan. This a little bit extra than an ordinary legal benefit, but it is important. Identity theft simply takes too much time away from work and prevention is the best strategy.
A plan member in the group legal plan mentioned above will receive a valuable Tool Kit for personal use. It gives step-by-step guidance to a plan member if he or she becomes the victim of identity theft. It includes contact numbers for the main credit reporting bureaus, affidavits and other crucial information to help a victim reconstruct identity quickly and efficiently.
How Does Identity Theft Happen?Identity Theft occurs when someone obtains your sensitive personal information, such as:
- Your Bank, Credit and Debit Card account numbers
- Your Income and Employee ID number
- Your Social Security Number
- Your Name, Address and Phone Number(s)
the crime happens when a person accidentally leaves information in public view, or even responds to what looks like an innocent website (not all websites asking for credit card information are legitimate, and sometimes even websites with firewalls are compromised). Our group legal plans will provide a legal benefit that is above and beyond the ordinary. Not only will a plan member receive the Tool Kit, that person can also speak to one of our network attorneys about the situation to ensure that all bases have been covered in regaining information integrity. Identity theft criminals are capable of infiltrating many areas of an individual’s life. The advice of good attorneys can help correct the situation.
Employers can be assured that a group legal plan developed by Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is easy to administer. They also should know that a legal benefit provided comes from an attorney who has superior customer service skills, and who can deal patiently with any plan member. Countrywide firmly believes that any group legal service should keep the individual in mind at all times. That is why we are so concerned that attorneys in our network provide courtesy and respect to everyone.
Countrywide can develop a legal services plan with just the right kind of legal benefit for any employer. We’ve been doing this since 1987 and we have built our reputation on legal expertise and good superior customer service. We are confident that we can provide the kind of legal benefit that keeps employees safe and secure. Of course identity theft assistance is not the only part of the Personal Legal Protector Plan, and we would appreciate the opportunity to explain all we have to offer.
Taking a strong stance against identity theft is the best prevention method. We can also help a plan member keep an eye on the credit reports and target any and all crimes against their identity. To find out more, call us toll-free at 1-800-550-5297 or fill out our contact form for a speedy response.