Brokers and Consultants

As a trusted administrator of group legal plans, Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services is the logical choice for brokers and consultants. We know that these professionals are looking to provide the most attractive and value-added legal benefit for clients, and Countrywide offers one of the easiest to use, functional, and affordable group legal plans on the market with no minimum group size or minimum participation requirements. Countrywide works with both large and small organizations as well as individuals, trade unions and associations. We can easily service any targeted group that a consultant or broker does business with.
Health Insurance Brokers Can Find New Business with Our PlansThe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 established a healthcare insurance exchange that allows individuals to choose their own plans, effectively eliminating the need for many brokers and consultants who sell to individuals, small businesses and large corporations. This Act promises to have far-reaching effects on the viability of many insurance brokers and consultants across the country.
Insurance brokers and consultants have a right to be very concerned. At Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services our Group Legal Plans, Identity Theft and Credit Monitoring Plans and Financial Wellness Plans have stability and longevity that definitely has a value for a brokerage or consulting business. We can help any broker or consultant supplement their health insurance business with group plans that are cost effective and valuable. For this and many other reasons, group services are offered through consultants nationwide.
Why Offer Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services?Countrywide plans help client companies save money by increasing productivity, decreasing absenteeism/presenteeism and boosting morale with the benefits provided. In addition, Countrywide can help companies improve their employee benefit package in order to attract quality candidates.
With our experience in all types of industries (manufacturing, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, biotech, banking, finance, service, nonprofit, administrative and more), an insurance broker or consultant can trust that a Countrywide legal benefit is ideal for any and all clients. In addition to all of that, we have products that are affordable and useful to all of your clients.
Our services are easy for human resources to administer and simple for members to use. Countrywide will provide support from pre-enrollment through enrollment and post-enrollment in the plans so that a broker can confidently recommend our plans to his or her client base. Another feature of our plans that is extremely important although not spelled out in the paperwork is that the providers in our network are highly skilled professionals with superior customer service skills. They can provide answers to the complicated questions and bring resolution to difficult situations. Our providers assist members patiently and with the kind of empathy that any company has a right to expect for its employees. We also are willing to do everything that is necessary to develop a benefit that exactly fits what the client would like to have.
Countrywide considers it very important to develop a strong relationship with insurance brokers and consultants. We take the time to educate brokers and consultants on our products so that these benefits professionals can get the most out of a partnership with us. We understand that it is extremely important to stand out amongst the competition and our Personal Legal Protector Plan, as well as our Identity Theft and Credit Monitoring Plans and Financial Wellness Plans are the perfect products to help you do just that. We would certainly welcome the opportunity to explain these options in greater detail. To find out more, call us toll-free at 1-800-550-5297 or fill out our contact form for a speedy response.