
Who We Work With

Lawyers happen to be the legal benefit providers for a Countrywide plan and as a part of our Personal Legal Protector Plan; plan members will have access to our nationwide network of skilled attorneys. With our group legal plan, a person can speak to a local attorney in his or her community regarding a wide range of legal matters. These can go the entire spectrum of legal issues that affect people including creating living and simple wills, designating medical powers of attorney, reviewing contracts and documents, advice on government programs and small claims court, family issues and more. Those who are part of the Personal Legal Protector Plan are always pleasantly surprised at how extensive the legal benefit offerings happens to be.

Vacation time is when everybody travels and sometimes go out of state. It does not stop legal issues from occurring, but the legal benefit of a Countrywide group legal plan does not stop at the border. If a plan member has a legal issue that must be handled outside of the state of residence, that person will be referred to an attorney in the Countrywide network who concentrates in a particular legal area suited to their particular needs. Countrywide works with group legal plan members across the nation, and we have a network of professional attorneys throughout the United States. No matter where the plan member may happen to be, that individual will receive the same level of customer service and attention. Countrywide sees to it that the attorneys in our network appreciate that the unwritten legal benefit of Countrywide is empathy and respect. These legal professionals will take all the time that is necessary to help resolve any legal issue, and will gladly write letters or make telephone calls on behalf of a plan member. What’s more, a person can save money by using our legal plan for all kinds of legal needs. Even if it happens that a lawyer has to be hired for a more complicated matter, Countrywide can provide both referrals and offer a discounted rate of 25% off of scheduled and hourly rates and a 10% discount for contingency fee cases (i.e. personal injury).

In addition to Legal Plans, Countrywide offers Identity Theft and Credit Monitoring Plans. These plans alert members of suspicious and derogatory activity in real time. Members can take immediate action and have access to a customer care team that can answer their questions along the way. If a member does fall victim to identity theft, they are paired with a Restoration Specialist who advises them through the process. Members also have $1 million of Identity Theft Insurance to reimburse them for costs associated with restoring their identity.

Employers want to be able to offer a benefit that is not complicated to administer. Simplicity is a working quality of what Countrywide has to offer. We can help set up a voluntary prepaid payroll deduction that is easy to administer, and still provides superior customer service and benefits.

About Us

Since 1987, Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services has been providing affordable legal plans for people from all walks of life and organizations of all sizes. Our Personal Legal Protector Plan is designed to offer the most essential legal services that every American needs but often can’t afford individually. With our group legal plan, we are able to lower the cost of these services to highly affordable levels, and offer them as one superior package that pays for itself multiple times over. With our legal services a plan member and that person’s dependents can rest assured that the most essential legal needs are taken care of and handled by experts.

Employers can be assured that Countrywide is flexible enough to tailor any plan to best fit the needs of management and employees alike. We work with employers and human resource departments of various organizations to make sure that whatever is provided is the best service possible. We greatly welcome the opportunity to explain more about the Countrywide group legal plans. To find out more, call us toll-free at 1-800-550-5297 or fill out our contact form for a speedy response.

Client Reviews
The legal plan has been a great resource and they commonly align the practice area with the best of the best. I have used this in multiple states and locations for a range of services and have saved 10x program costs. I highly recommend this service and is a great benefit MTM provides us. T. Lucas
I have been able to personally recommend this to a number of our people base on the excellent service and quality advice that I have received over the last two years. I have been able to have a new will drawn up, have received advice and review of real estate contracts both in New Jersey and Florida, and have had occasion, unfortunately, to seek advice on criminal charges filed against one of my teenagers. We were delighted when the charges were dropped, the direct result of the representation of the lawyer I immediately contacted from Countrywide. I will continue to recommend Countrywide based on my personal experience as well as the feedback that I have received from our employees. P. Daniels HR Director
We have offered Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services to our employees since 2007. At the time, we were looking for a unique, low cost benefit offering for our employees. I had heard about pre-paid legal services, but must admit, I didn’t think our employees would get much bang for their buck. I was wrong, I was stunned at how many employees actually enrolled in the plan during that first year. Our enrollment continues to be strong and employees rave about the benefit year after year. The plan is simple to administer and Countrywide handle everything in an organized, professional manner. It’s been a very well-received benefit for our employees. J. Magrowski, VP Human Resources
I am very pleased to recommend Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services as your legal plan provider. Our benefits philosophy is to attract, motivate, reward and retain the best employees and Countrywide complimented our total rewards package. The set up and rollout of this plan was well organized and quite easy to administer. Countrywide has been easy to work with, has attended our benefit fairs, group meetings and provides us with all communication pieces for open enrollment. J. Kilpatrick Benefits Manager
We made a decision to offer Countrywide Pre-Paid Legal Services as a voluntary benefit to our full-time employees. The benefit was well-received by employees and enrollment has been consistently high. The plan is easy to administer and fully paid at the employee level. Countrywide attends all of our employee fairs, gives an excellent presentation to our employees and they are timely and responsive to our request for information. From an HR perspective, I can highly recommend this service to any company looking to enhance their employee benefits package with quality choices while keeping costs manageable. S. Phillips, VP, Human Resources
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